Friday, January 27, 2017

Pinker: "Games People Play"

So you've started reading the assigned excerpt from Pinker.



  1. Communal sharing isn’t just about looking out for others; it’s also about defining you and yours from everyone else in the world. Families have communal sharing, but so do towns, religions, and countries. Basically everyone is looking out for someone in their community because there’s strength in numbers.

    (Emily Callan)

  2. I've begun to enjoy the way Pinker breaks down so many things into numbers. The first, second, ... If anyone has been to a Baptist church, we like our 3 point system.
    Anyway, adding to that, he breaks things down into a way it seems like our dialogue choices are fixed and we're selecting. This is especially the case in the bribery section. It makes me feel like we're in a Fallout game and we have speech choices that have consequences attached, like this:
