Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Coming attractions: Lisa Sheffield

Lisa Sheffield, the Director of ECU's Interpreter Services Program for Deaf or Hard of Hearing Students, will be visiting our class on Friday, February 14th to talk to us about ASL.  In the comment box below, please post any questions you have for her.

Here are some questions I have for her:
1. What got you interested in ASL?
2. What is the biggest misperception people have about ASL?



  1. 1. Have you ever considered learning another type of sign language such as DGS or LSE?
    2. Do you ever catch yourself thinking in sign?
    3. What is the most negative experience you have had involving ASL?

  2. 1. What is the comparison between ASL and spoken language?
    2. What is the difference between sign language and American sign language?
    3. Why do deaf people still make noises with their mouths while signing?

    -Kayci Snider

  3. How does sign language compare to spoken languages in education? Does it take more or less time or about the same to learn sign language?

  4. When did you first start learning to sign?

  5. How long did it take you to reach a place where you were comfortably fluent?

    -Emily Davis

  6. Does ASL change over time? Are more signs added in order to accommodate changes in culture?
    -Cayla O.

  7. People who speak English can all have a different accent. So, when signing do different people have different "accents"?
    -Tori Watson

  8. What is your favorite word or phrase to sign?

  9. Do you sometimes accidentally sign to your family (if they're hearing people)?

  10. This may sound dumb, but do you have to get a certain certification to be an interpreter at any given school? If so, what kind of testing and prep work did you have to do in order to get that certification?

  11. 1. Do you find that members of the deaf community sign differently to you than with other deaf signers?

    2. We have been discussing the controversy of cochlear implants in class. As a signer who can fluently communicate with the deaf community, how do you feel about deaf parent not allowing their deaf children to have the implants?

  12. What type of slag is specific to our area?

  13. By "slag," do you mean "stony waste matter separated from metals during the smelting or refining of ore" or "a promiscuous woman," Kelsea?


  14. This is a little out there but do you ever dream in sign?
    I have a friend that is bi-lingual and he stated that he dreams in both languages pertaining on the people in his dream and also the place in the dream.

    another question I have is over the development of sign language in childhood.
    I have read somewhere that babies are more able to pick up sign language faster than a spoken language. What are your thoughts on this?


    Mark Byers
